AASCF CAMERA / VIDEO POLICY - All Videos and Photos of your team competing at the AASCF Championships are taken by our team of professional photographers/videographers and are FREE to every athlete and coach – a gift from us to you.
- AASCF’s official camera/photography policy, forming part of the conditions of sale when you purchase a spectator’s ticket, is that we limit the size and quality of the lenses we allow to be used at our Championships. Personal hand-held cameras (i.e. small digital or point-and-click cameras are permitted including ‘bridge’ cameras (larger digital camera’s with zoom lenses that cannot be removed) but we do not allow large/long/zoom/detachable lenses or tripods.
- You STRICTLY can only take photos/videos of your own team/club/child as in this ever-smaller world of “YouTube” and Social Media video sharing, coaches are keen to ensure that their routines are not published on the internet for all to see. Please pass this onto your parents and friends who will be attending so they may plan. In extreme cases of non-compliance squads can be penalized if found to be taping routines and may have points deducted from their scores.
PLEASE NOTE — STRICTLY NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY. DO NOT TAKE PHOTOS OR VIDEO’S OF ANY OTHER TEAMS OTHER THAN YOUR OWN AND DO NOT HAVE YOUR HANDS RAISED ABOVE YOUR HEAD TAKING PHOTO’S OR VIDEO’S. DO NOT BLOCK OTHER PEOPLE’S VIEWS. Persons causing disturbance or refusing to comply with the above requests from AASCF or Venue Staff will be ejected from the event. Thank you for your understanding and support. |